Monday, December 12, 2016

When you know....

At our mission office
This past week has been amazing!
We had interviews with President Chaparro, and I know that this man is called of God and can receive revelation for us as missionaries.  Everything that he told me in my interview was EXACTLY what I needed to hear.  I really liked what he said about power and authority.

As a missionary, I have been set apart, and I have received and been given the right to this authority, but to recieve the power,  I need to do my part. I need to be exactly obedient. I need to study diligently every day. I need to pray for the guidance and help of the holy ghost. I need to be the missionary that Heavenly Father wants me to be.  But most importantly, I need to have the faith and confidence in HIM.  As I have applied these things and as I have relied more on the spirit, we have seen a lot of miracles!

We have found several inactive, part member families. The thought of completing a family in the gospel and giving them the opportunity to come back and hopefully one day be sealed in the temple just excites me. I can't imagine anything better for them. 
We are also helping our friend who changed his mind on baptism at the last second. He is meeting with us again and thinking about baptism again. We are being patient and letting him make that progress in his own time. We are there to help and just want whats best for him.

Please continue with the Light the World initiative that our leaders have been inspired to share with us at this time. I challenge everyone to reach outside of your circles and help someone, uplift them and strengthen them. Help them come to know that they are a child of God. Light the world calendar

Thank you all for the love and support. Merry Christmas and hope your holidays are filled with peace and joy!

Con Amor,
Hermana Norman

PS Shout out to my cousin, Tupu Loo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  Hope you have an awesome day. You have been such a great example to me. So lucky to have you to look up to!

My zone
my girls
My comp and I
Today we got to go play paddle ball with the APs and office elders....Gpa I will be ready for pickleball when I get back! jajajaja

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