Monday, November 20, 2017

The final countdown!

I think I'm still in denial. I don't feel like or I just don't want to accept the fact that this is my last week in Argentina as a full time missionary.
Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt so I'm basically just doing everything I can to think that this is just going to be another week in the mission!

This past week was amazing. It wasn't easy. but I learned a lot. I believe that Heavenly Father gives trials to missionaries in their last transfers. Moments that make us think like our dear prophet said, "Shall I falter or shall I finish?" Moments that help us reflect on EVERYTHING that we have learned throughout our entire mission. For me, during these last couple of weeks, I have had many "Ah ha" moments. But before these "ah ha" moments, Satan was really trying to get me down.

I have been really sick these past 2 months. I couldn't keep food down. I had severe ear infection. I had neck problems that was causing dizziness and nausea and a few other fun stuff. It was REALLY hard! It got to the point where my mission president told me that maybe I should just go home. But it just didn't feel right. I KNEW I could finish my mission. Getting up and going out to work was a struggle. I had to pray so hard for strength to just keep going. It was amazing because many times I felt strength that I can't even explain. I know it was the prayers of all my loved ones and God's angels lifting up one of is weak missionaries. Last week, after our mission conference, and talking with the seventy, Elder Bragg, I had an "ah ha" moment. I didn't know why I was so sick, but I realized that even though I didn't understand, I still trusted fully and completely that this was part of MY mission. It was a time to depend more on my Savior, and show that even when things are hard, I CAN keep going. I can do HARD things. 2 days after my "ah ha" moment, I started feeling better. Today, I am ALMOST back to 100%. Thank you for all your prayers 💕

It got up to 120* this past week, leaving our lunch, there was NO ONE in the streets. Everything, even the stores, close and don't open until 6 pm. The members are so amazing and are always so worried about us. They called us to tell us that the heat was dangerous, and we needed to be careful. And it's true, it was very hot, people that lived far away from the city without electricity died because of the heat, or fires have started...or people are out cooking eggs on their windshield. Crazy stuff. But nothing stops the missionaries! The Lord blesses us when we are obedient and we follow the mission schedule.

We found another golden investigator. Carla! She is 23 and is a friend of a member. In our 1st lesson, she cried and said she had never felt the presence of the Spirit so strong. She accepted to follow the Savior and be baptized on December 2nd. She is praying, reading the Book of Mormon and went to church yesterday! Pray for Carla!

Familia Rodriguez, Benjamin and Ricardo will also be baptized in December. Of course, I wanted to be present in their baptisms, but it is all in the time of the Lord. I am just grateful that I could play a small part in their conversion process.

Fernanda is still super happy and excited to be a visiting teacher.

Joselyn found out she's having a boy! Her baby bump is so cute!!

Solange just finished another round of chemo. It broke my heart to see her so weak and pale. All she wanted to do was sing hymns. She is so strong.

Fun stuff in Argentina:
-everyone offers us mate and bread

-tried Brazilian food. Beans, rice, meat, and banana!

-splits with Hermana Goodrich

-in the middle of a spiritual lesson with Familia Rodriguez, the 3 year old daughter takes a handful of flour and just throws it on her Mom. Everyone died laughing.

-my companion likes fruitcake

Hope everyone has an amazing week and an amazing Thanksgiving.

We are so blessed.

I'm thankful for the gospel, my family and friends, air conditioning, empanadas and mango. These are just a few of the many things.

Alma  34:38 That ye contend no more against the Holy Ghost, but that ye receive it, and take upon you the name of Christ; that ye humble yourselves even to the dust, and worship God, in whatsoever place ye may be in, in spirit and in truth; and that ye live in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you.💗

Love you all

Be kind to everyone!

Con Amor,
Hermana Norman
My district being fed by amazing members

On the bus with the Rodriguez girls
Mi companera

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